So You Lost A Few Fingers, No Big DealGet a personal account of the trauma and recovery process from the perspective of a strong and proud man (Jarrod) who lost his understanding of how to protect and provide for his family after a farm accident left him as an amputee. In a culture filled with ideas of inclusivity and understanding, audiences will learn first-hand how a farmer, with a strong sense of faith and determination, can pivot and learn to thrive as a "disabled" man.
Ideal for the following audiences: - interests in the socially, physically or economically disadvantaged workforce - farmers/ranchers - organizations with a culture of inclusivity - military audiences - church/religious organizations Understanding Financial Turmoil Before It HappensWalk through the essential steps of financial disarray and potential bankruptcy before you’re suddenly in the midst of this trauma - understand your rights, your emotions, your struggle, your solutions, your action-items, your protections, your next steps, your way out!
Ideal for the following audiences: - small business symposiums - young or beginning farmers/ranchers - corporate crowds that work directly with farmers/ranchers - trade organization membership - entrepreneurs and business managers/leaders |
Your Family {Business} Has Issues...? Let's Swap Stories.We can all relate to the chaos associated with a crazy, dysfunctional family... add in the dynamics of managing a family business, and you potentially have a disaster on your hands - one that's funny to watch from the outside, but even funnier from the inside (hindsight is 20/20). Join us as we sort through the influencers that family can have on our abilities to grow, prosper, serve and lead, especially as it relates to family farm businesses. Learn how to deal, strategize, thrive and laugh despite the chaos.
Ideal for the following audiences: - family farmers - trade organization conferences/conventions - small business owners - industry organizations - church/religious organizations - collegiate groups A Million Dollar Business Happens Over Night, Right?Despite the common sentiment that people have overnight success, it takes years and years in the trenches before the BIG Goals are met. Let's get real with the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny, and the terrifying of scaling a farm business that connects directly with consumers.
Ideal for the following audiences: - small businesses - farmer/rancher audiences - entrepreneurs - farm-to-table business owners, distributors, marketers, etc. - collegiate groups |